Can Sleep Meditation Help Make a Person More Productive?

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It seems like the last several years have brought us a noticeable increase in the number of people promoting new age principles and ancient eastern practices. Things like meditation, yoga, and sound healing appear to be more popular than ever. One such practice I have recently heard of is something known as sleep meditation. I have heard it can make one more productive. Can it?

I am skeptical when it comes to these sorts of things. There is no doubt that things like sleep meditation and sound healing are endorsed by people who swear by them. I don’t want to question their beliefs about such practices and whether or not they work. But I am cautious about saying that sleep meditation works for everyone just because one person told me it works for him.

More About Sleep Meditation

Sleep meditation teacher and yoga nidra expert Scott Moore explains sleep meditation as a calming technique that combines relaxation practices with mindfulness. Practicing the two together seems to promote better sleep and, subsequently, overall wellbeing.

Practitioners like Moore teach participants to focus on the present moment – which is the whole point of mindfulness. Then, with the help of techniques like guided imagery and controlled breathing, the practitioner seeks to calm their mind in preparation for rest.

It is believed that sleep meditation helps reduce stress and anxiety in addition to improving sleep. Among those who say it improves sleep, reports of less stress, anxiety, and the racing thoughts that interfere with sleep are common.

Its Impact on Productivity

For me, the question of whether sleep meditation can help make a person more productive is really rooted in whether it improves sleep. I say that because medical science has already proved that sleeping better improves productivity during the day. That part is not in question.

The human body needs productive and restful sleep in order to heal itself from the harms of the previous day. Getting enough restful sleep leads to waking with plenty of energy. When people get enough sleep, they are more focused, better able to concentrate, and so forth. As for sleep meditation, this is what I learned from my own research:

1. Waking Up Feeling Refreshed

I ran across more than one sleep meditation practitioner claiming that the practice enhances sleep quality enough that they wake up feeling more refreshed and energized. I am guessing they are comparing their experiences from before and after beginning sleep meditation.

2. Increased Focus Throughout the Day

Next, those who swear by sleep meditation report being more focused throughout the day. I suppose this could be due to improved sleep or just the effects meditation has on a person’s ability to control their thoughts. It could go either way for me.

3. Improved Creativity

Some sleep meditation practitioners even say that the practice helps improve their creativity. More creativity makes them more productive during the workday. Note that some of the same meditation techniques associated with sleep meditation can be practiced during breaks at work.

There Is No Harm in Trying

I admit to not having a firm position on sleep meditation one way or the other. I do know this though: there is no harm in trying the practice. If mindfulness and controlled breathing can help a person feel more relaxed and ready for sleep, then maybe that person’s sleep will really be more restful.

There really is nothing wrong with getting a better night’s sleep. Especially since plenty of restful sleep does make us more productive. At least that is my take.

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